Thursday, November 9, 2017

Inktober 2017

Inktober 2017 
This year I did all 31 prompts of Inktober in the theme of video games. Video games that inspire me video games that I enjoyed.   

Day 1 - Swift 
I chose Bioshock spider spicer for swift influenced a little by Todd McFarlane

 Day 2 - Divided 
I chose Link and Dark Link as my divided prompt I really like how this one came out. 

 Day 3 - Poison 
Arbok from Pokemon Go because it's the only Pokemon game I've played.

Day 4 - Underwater 
I chose the iconic city of Rapture from the original Bioshock. 

Day 5 - Long
This one is a long fall from Portal and didn't turn out exactly as planned. 

Day 6- Sword
This is Cloud's buster sword from the new Final Fantasy VII remake. 

Day 7  - Shy
This is ShyGuy from the Mario series done in the style of Edvard Munch's "The Scream"

Day 8 - Crooked
The Crooked Man from Wolf Among Us.

Day 9 - Skreech
A Wretch from the original Gears of War.

Day 10 - Gigantic
A colossus from Shadow of Colossus.

Day 11 - Run
This is Sonic from the Sonic The Hedgehog game series.

Day 12 - Shattered
This is Cuphead and Mugman from Cupheads. This is a 'living' embodiment of how I play/die through this game.

Day 13 - Teeming
This is from Mushroom Wars. I love this game.

Day 14 - Fierce
This is Amaterasu from Okami. 

Day 15 - Fat
This is Fat Princess from Fat Princess. I created a hybrid of the styles from the old and new versions of the game.

Day 16 - Graceful
This is from Journey. This game is amazing. If you haven't played it, you need to do so (after you finish reading this post of course).

Day 18- Filthy
Dustforce - The coolest game about dusting ever! 

Day 19 - Cloud
Cloud - "I was emo before it was cool and will remain emo when it reaches the pathetic point."

Day 20 - Deep
Deep derp. Same thing right? Not even his vampie status justifies this level of brooding. He makes Cloud look downright giddy.

Day 21 - Furious
The Mario version of The Fast and The Furious. Death stare from Mario Kart.

Day 22 - Trial
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney doing his thang.

Day 23 - Juicy
Watermelon OR Kirby? No judgment here.

Day 24- Blind
This is Berserker from the original Gears of War. It's one of my favorite battles in this game.

Day 25 - Ship
From Mass Effect. Normandy - we had some great times.  

Day 26 - Squeak
That beloved series, Metal Gear Solid where a box is never just a box. Trust me.

Day 27 - Climb
Altair from the original Assassin's Creed game.  Making climbing and looking into people's window not creepy at all.

Day 28 -  Fall
This is from Red Dead Redemption. This is the fall of John Marsten.

Day 29 - United 
We can all stand united around a good multiplayer match.

Day 30 - Hidden 
Castlevania - the only game where Wall Turkeys save your life.

Day 31 - Mask 
I hated this game as a kid. Majora's Mask.

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