Monday, March 4, 2019


Long and short story, someone reached out to me via e-mail if I wanted to be featured in an art show along with other artists. I said yes and this whole process began, I made new artwork for the show to sell prints ect. My goal was to sell 20 tickets at 22.50 a person.

I got to making business cards and art

Mainly Art

I did all of these in less than 2 months. I wanted one or two others but just ran out of time

Onto the Show!

My very flimsy table with all of my prints

The music was loud and it was hard to hear.
The Pressroom was jam packed full of people. I was tired. I had worked a full 8 hour day before the show. It was a rainy Thursday night. Lots of amazing friends, coworkers, former coworkers showed up. It was an abolute blast.

Now I just have to clean up.

bonus gif

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