I think this is an important question and yet at the same time not important at all, after all it's just a title. It's interesting I have been a part of a Indie team. We entered IGF with our entry Glare and yet I still don't consider myself a Indie developer. Even though I learned a lot from the project, I see it as a personal failure. Not because we didn't achieve what we set out to do; but because I could have tried a lot harder. Here I am almost two years later ready to embark on the same endeavor. Yet I still don't consider myself Indie. Perhaps it's the life I envision an Indie developer leading and it's not matching up to my life. Regardless lots of things are up in the air both with my life and the project, but I do know one thing whatever I end up doing I'm going to put my heart and soul into it. At the end of the day I am content with that.
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